About Me

I have always loved writing. I think it’s hereditary. My dad was a writer and journalist. I love words and find expressing thoughts, opinions, feelings and beliefs through writing a sacred and cleansing process. That process had a couple of hiccups during my life. Until the age of 13, the only language I knew was Persian. Then, I was suddenly yanked out of eighth grade and thrown into an intensive Italian language course at the Rome’s Instituto Dante Alighieri. As soon as I began to get a handle on the Italian language, I moved to the U.S. and was forced to start all over again with the English language. Try dealing with the inherent angst and drama of high school, while learning the basics of the language spoken! In 2 years, I switched languages 3 time. I watched my intelligent, educated, intellectual parents turn into illiterates in the new country, suffering the indignities that goes with that fate. So, mastery of language revealed itself as an integral and essential element to success in life. Anyway, that was two decades ago. I’ve come a long way, linguistically speaking.

I’ve blogged before. But I’ve always lacked the stick-to-it-ness. So, as part of my New Year’s resolutions, I’ve decided to create a new blog about life. No themes, no gimmicks or forced formats. Just a free-flowing, energetic, eclectic, eccentric and ecstatic blog capturing snap shots of me as I go through life and deal with all the elements involved in the process of living: happy events, sad events, anger, beauty, shame, fun, disappointments, achievements, gains, losses, holidays, weight gains, rebirth, setbacks, and evolution, among countless other states and occurrences.

There are no hard and fast rules here. There are no ‘”shoulds” and “musts”. The only requirement is to post at least one entry for every week in 2011. I’ve been having commitment issues, so I needed to keep things light and easy.

It is my goal to continue developing my writing skills, record my evolutions in life and stretch my imagination, one week at a time. Everything else is secondary and nonessential.

So, here I go…

2 Responses to About Me

  1. Yittah Lawrence says:

    It is amazing timing that I came across this. In the middle of uploading my own first blog, and dealing with the rigours of transposing … I took a break. It led me right here. This is delightful Ati, and I want to thank you for not only sharing yourself so eleoquently but also with such openess and clarity. I expect to have my own blog up tomorrow, although there is still some work to do on the webpage. I will send you a link. Once again my dear friend, thank you

    • So lovely of you to say. Thank you. And welcome. I wish you the best of luck with your blog. I’m sure that it will be a smashing success, like everything else you attempt. Send me a link so I can check it out. Much love and admiration sent your way as I go to bed in LA.

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